Beware of tempting startup ideas (Tarpit ideas)

Ideas that appear simple, but once you dive into them, they become increasingly complex.

Never capitalize on trends without a unique value proposition!

But why are these ideas so attractive?

The fact is that famous companies are solving these problems already.

The most common Tarpit ideas are consumer ideas, products marketed to individuals rather than businesses.

Founders often choose consumer ideas because we are all consumers.

They are sexy and fun to work on!

But all startups are not consumer-oriented or sexy!

Consumer startups face two main challenges:

1. The high bar set by successful products
2. Critical role of timing

Grasp the "bar" for success!

For example, GitHub gained significant traction and user adoption in the developer community without extensive marketing campaigns.

They built a product people wanted.

How the right timing is essential?

Starting a tech company was easier in the early 2000s because the internet and smartphones were new, people were looking for things to do with them, and there was less competition.

It is all about being in the right place at the right time.

Don’t get lured by ideas that feel compelling on the surface or receive positive feedback!

Then, there is the supply and demand theory!

Founders with high interest in ideas but low market demand are less likely to succeed.

Credits to @Ycombinator for the amazing insights.

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Something that’s kinda boring can be great!


Your career does not have to follow a straight path